Monday, January 23, 2012

Chapter 21~ Never Ending

Alice was frozen; staring into the ashes of what was once Jasper. My heart shattered, I would have collapsed beside her if anger wasn’t forcing me forward. I had no idea how to stop my mother but I knew I was feeling stronger, and for just a moment she was afraid of me. I felt responsible for everything. It made it worse that no one was yelling at me. 

Maggie came down the corridor immediately kneeling beside Alice, embracing her in comfort. Alice didn’t even budge. You could hear a pin drop; it was Emmett who broke the silence. “ We are going to have to get her out of here and deal with this situation.”

Rose looked at Emmett only a tiny bit of anguish on her face, the rest was relentless anger, “ This isn’t a situation, this is a fucking catastrophe, we have a witch who can’t stand up to mommy, and an army of gifted vampires that are useless, we are fucked!”

“You all take this nonsense outside this instant, Alice doesn’t need to hear your hateful tone Rose,” Maggie said curtly.

I shook my head and stormed out the front door, Edward followed behind me. “Bella, wait please this isn’t your fault.” I got to the front door slammed it shut and fell to the ground, head in hands and sobbed like a baby.  Edward scooped me up in his arms and cradled me to his chest and ran. He ran fast, and far until he found the tallest tree in the forest, and then he climbed all the way to the top.  He just hummed and stroked my hair until my cries subsided. When I lifted my head and looked into his eyes, he just smiled, “You about done?”

I was confused at his tone; I expected sweet but got the opposite. “Excuse me?”

“ Bella, everything you are feeling is exactly what Moriana wants, she needs you to feel defeated, she knows if you forge forward you will inevitably destroy her, you need to get it together, I promise when this is over you can fall apart, and I promise I will pick up the pieces.”

I knew Edward was right, I just didn’t know what everyone expected from me, “I am so scared Edward, what if I can’t do it, what if I kill us all and she gets Mara and tortures her, I won’t be there for her.”

He caressed my cheek with his finger, gingerly kissed my lips, and looked deep into my eyes, “I have seen what you are capable of,  Moriana can feel it to she is going to do everything she can to try and stop you.”

I wiped my eyes, I stared at the blood on my fingers, I could see my reflection in the crimson sheen, I looked at myself and found myself desperately thinking of Mara. I looked for a while till I swore I could see her running through a field of wild flowers, it put a smile on my face and warmth consumed me. “Why are you smiling Bella?”

The second Edwards words brought me back to reality I clasped my hand closed and let the blood stream down my arm, “I saw her, Oh no was I using magic?”
“I don’t know; tell me what did you feel?”

“I felt her Edward, I could smell her and hear her, and she is so beautiful.”

“Yes Bella she is so amazing, just like her mother, Moriana knows where you are right now, but was there anything in your vision that gave away where Mara is?”

I tried to think, “Just wild flowers.”

“That shouldn’t be enough to help Moriana, but try and be careful she cannot find her before we do.”

Edward’s face was full of concern,” Edward, if Moriana could feel me through my magic, do you think Mara can to?”

His gaze was distant; his silence gave me my answer. “I think I can find her, but we need to be faster than her, and we need to….” Edward cut me off.

“No Bella, until you can control your powers, don’t put her in danger.”

“ But I can warn her.”

His tone became more urgent,” If Moriana can feel you then she can feel Mara, so if Mara tries to respond to you your mother will get to her, we need to wait.”

I sounded desperate, I wanted Mara in my arms, I needed her I wasn’t thinking straight, “You’re right, I’m sorry.”

He kissed the top of my head, “I miss her to Bella.”

Suddenly I heard footsteps, I looked down and saw Jacob and five other pack members, “Bella, Edward get down here we got a problem.” 

We leaped down, “ Whats up Jake?”

“Its Zafrina, she is gone, we can’t find her anywhere.”

I looked at Edward; I could see he was trying to hear for her, “Jake can you track her?”

“We tried it’s like she vanished out of thin air.”

Edward shot a look at me, “Your mother has her.”


  1. I hate Bella's mother and am looking forward to Bella destroying her and all the others who are against her. I can't help wondering who the spy is, or is there one.

    Your story keeps me on my toes trying to figure out what is going to happen next. Thank you.

  2. Can't wait for Bella to kick her Mom's ass. That women is definitely annoying. It must be so hard for Bella to not know where her daughter is. I hope she stays safe until Bella and Edward can get to her.

    Great chapter. I love how in each chapter there are answers to questions, but also cliffies too. <333
